Dredging work in the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen
Location | Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, The Netherlands and Belgium |
Client | North Sea Port (Port Authority) |
Period | 2021-2022 |
Equipment used |
DD512 and DD517
Other equipment used: Pusher tug Jacolien, Crane ship Empressa |
Dredging volume | Variable |
About the project
The Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen is a main waterway for shipping, accessible via the lock complex in Terneuzen. The canal enters the Netherlands in Sas van Gent and ends in Terneuzen, a few hundred meters from the Westerscheldetunnel. The canal is of vital importance to the Ghent economy. It connects the port of Ghent, the third largest port in Belgium, with the sea.
The non-tide channel has a depth of approximately 14 metres, but is accessible to vessels with a maximum draft of 12.5 metres.
Because it is a main waterway, maintenance dredging is of great importance. Dredging company De Boer carries out maintenance dredging activities in the docks and canal ports on the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. The purpose of the maintenance dredging work is to restore and maintain the water depth in the docks and at the commercial berths in the port area.
In addition to the dredging work, we will also provide the application and leveling of rubble stone as soil protection, and will take care of the transport of the dredging sludge. Clean dredging sludge goes to a dump location on the Western Scheldt and contaminated sludge to a recognized depot.
Photo's of the project
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