The QHSSE system of Baggerbedrijf De Boer – Dutch Dredging is structured and based on the prevailing ISO 9001, ISO 14001 (incl. the CO₂ Performance Ladder), ISO 27001, SCC**, Safety Culture Ladder and OVMSA standards and regulations.
About our certificates
Baggerbedrijf De Boer B.V. – Dutch Dredging B.V. (hereafter referred to as The Company) owns several company certificates with which we can demonstrate that we comply with national and international standards for the guaranteeing of quality, health, safety and environmental aspects within our scope of work.
This is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
This certification stands for specifies requirements for an environmental management system (EMS) to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence.
The Company has implemented the ISO 27001 standard in its QHSE and SMS system. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised framework of best practices for an information security management system (ISMS). It helps us identify risks and implement security measures appropriate to the business so that we can manage or reduce risks within information security for ourselves and our customers.
With this ISO/IEC 27001 certification, we can demonstrate that our ISMS meets international best practices and demonstrate to our customers, suppliers and the market that our organisation is capable of handling information securely.
The Company has drawn up a policy document in which the basic principles of our information security system are written out. With these principles, we expect to control information security risks while maintaining flexibility and efficiency in the execution of our work.
This policy document can be viewed via this link.
This is the abbreviation for Safety Health and the Environment (SHE) Checklist Contractors and is intended to make it possible for our company to operate with greater safety awareness and reduce the number of incidens. However, in fact the SCC is much more than just a checklist. It is a versatile and comprehensive programme for testing and certifying the SHE management systems of service companies. Principals increasingly impose SCC certification as a mandatory requirement.
The Safety Culture Ladder is a tool to measure safety awareness, attitudes and behaviour within companies. It places the emphasis on safety culture. The SCL focuses on employees' real behaviour in terms of attitude and behaviour. It looks specifically at company culture and therefore highlights different aspects than systems such as ISO 45001 and SCC. In addition, SCL certification is increasingly required in tenders and customer contracts. From 2022, the SCL is required by the Construction Governance Code. The Company was audited for the SCL in early 2022 and managed to obtain the safety ladder certificate level 2.
C02 awareness certificate, level 5. The CO2 performance ladder is an instrument to stimulate companies participating in procurement to be aware of their CO2 emissions in their own business operations and in the performance of projects. This involves in particular saving energy, using materials efficiently and using renewable energy.
By Dutch legislation it is prescribed that interventions in polluted sediment should be met to the assessment guideline BRL SIKB 7000 and the corresponding protocol 7003. It is only necessary in projects larger then 1.000 m3. In our projects it regularly happens that highly contaminated sludge, even in small quantities, is dredged. The certificate allows us to act quickly and provide our clients in a responsible and secure manner.
By clicking on the links above you can download and/or view the certificates.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the new “buzzword” that is increasingly common. Tenderers want to “purchase sustainably”. Clients are therefore increasingly asking for a CO₂ certificate. With this we demonstrate that we operate in an environmentally friendly manner. Although care for the environment is self-evident, in our view, we have obtained a certificate at level 3 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder, which actually demonstrates this.
The entire CSR story is a reflection of what you see in society. We think it is only normal - which is also evident from our sustainability vision - that you treat your people and the environment with care and use as little fuel as possible. Now, however, the forces are joined, together you of course have much more influence on that.
Eind 2021 Baggerbedrijf de Boer Holding B.V. obtained her CO₂ certificate at the highest level 5 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder. The CO₂ Performance Ladder is an instrument to encourage companies participating in tenders to act CO consciously in their own business operations and in the implementation of projects. This mainly concerns energy savings, efficient use of materials and the use of sustainable energy. This is also included in our CO2 Reduction Policy.
A highlight in the field of sustainability is the construction and commissioning of our bed leveller “Peter” in 2018. Our company is now the proud owner of the world's greenest and cleanest bed leveller!